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The List


Many of us have heard of the now infamous “bucket list”.  This is a list of the top 100 things you would like to do before you die.  I think it’s a great idea.  But there’s a better and unique list that I believe everyone should develop. The list I’m referring to is an idea given to me by a friend of mine, Bob Youden, who developed his own list of rules/lessons he’s learned in his own life. He’s developed this list over his lifetime about simple principles that he has learned to live by.  It’s not rocket science but it’s a great snapshot of principles to live by. 

Everyone should develop a list that is personalized and reflects their own life. This list should be fun, educational. It can be based on common things and principles you already live by or from teachings you’ve acquired from school, books, friends, family, and your faith.  One way to develop this list is to think “What teaching points would I  want to have on my tombstone for the future generations to know about me or my philosophies”.  The points should be brief and maybe only you know the significance of what that title means and another person looking at it would/could ask you.  I’ll share with you a few that are on my list so you get the idea.  The list could include ideas from your spiritual, financial, health, relationship learnings or thoughts. You could include your favorite movie song etc.

  1. Always error on the side of more; more food at a party, more compassion, more time to listen, more money when you go out etc.

  2. When traveling on a long journey, where dark pants ketchup and coffee stains don’t show up as easily

  3. Recite what you are grateful for every day, make it a habit

  4. If your bus leaves at 9:00 am, don’t leave your home at 9:00 am

  5. Find the help button and use it

  6. Don’t yell, unless something heavy or sharp is about to fall on someone

  7. Learn to confront with elegance

  8. Don’t live without hope

  9. Learn to be flexible

  10. Always look for the other side of the story because there’s always another side of a story

  11. Don’t embarrass anyone in public or private

  12. Learn from people smarter than you and seek their guidance

  13. Don’t just learn from your mistakes, learn from others

  14. Learn to give freely and to receive freely

  15. What goes around comes around; both good and bad-act accordingly

  16. Pay yourself first.

  17. Laughter is the shortest distance between people. Learn how to laugh.

  18. Say something kind to another person daily.

  19. Say something kind to yourself daily.

  20. Nobody likes a mean person.

  21. Deserve then desire

  22. Life is too short to take seriously, but not long enough to ignore.

  23. Watch your time, no one else will.

  24. Find the gift.

  25. The sooner you embrace change, the sooner it embraces you.

  26. You play a significant role in your life, so pay attention.

  27. Find the good

  28. Always smile, even if you are not in the mood to do so

  29. Learn to listen first.

  30. Understand criticism

  31. Practice what you need to learn

  32. Create a vision board for your work, personal and spiritual life

  33. If you fail to plan then you will inevitably are planning to fail

  34. Others watch what you do and learn from you, especially your children

  35. Actions always speak louder than words

  36. Be yourself, if you are not a good self; learn to be someone else

  37. Find your talents and never stop

  38. Good times and sad times will always come and go, be joyfully patient

  39. You can’t have a top without a bottom, you can’t have a front without a back

  40. Commit to exercising

  41. Watch how you eat

  42. Everyone makes mistakes, not everyone learns from them

  43. Never give up

  44. Be trusting and cautious at the same time

  45. Don’t cheat others, in the end, you are only cheating yourself

  46. Be flexible

  47. Learn what you enjoy and do it on a regular basis

  48. Read

  49. Grow a flower or plant

  50. If you are uncomfortable then you are growing

  51. There is no end, only beginnings

  52. Laugh every day and find ways to do so

  53. Learn to forgive

  54. Have a backup plan

  55. Remember your kids when they are young, there’s a greater chance they will remember you when you aren’t.

  56. Leave a will not only monetarily but also what you’d want your children to have learned.

  57. We can’t choose if bad things will happen to us, but we can choose how we deal with it.

  58. Try to make friends eventually you will find true ones.

  59. Be the friend you’d  want to have.

  60. To do the right thing can be hard, to do the wrong thing can be easy, but to do the right thing is the right thing to do.

  61. Remember the carpenter’s principle

  62. Never go to bed angry.

  63. Learn to overcome your weaknesses, the sooner you do the quicker you won’t have to try to learn that lesson again.

  64. Dress in layers if you are not sure what the weather is like

  65. Always keep enough gas in the car in case you need to drive to the hospital in an emergency

  66. Drink plenty of water daily

  67. Don’t overspend

  68. Learn to be happy, the other option is very depressing

  69. Celebrate birthdays, yours and others

  70. See as many sunrises and sunsets as you possibly can

  71. Don’t get bored; it causes stress

  72. Goto church regularly

  73. Be careful how you judge

  74. Fear rules absolutely, but love lives forever


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